Publishing Github Pages After Making Private Repo Public

Publishing Github Pages After Making Private Repo Public

Publishing Github Pages from private repositories is a Github Pro feature at the time of writing this blog post. See billing. If you turn the repository private, your Github Pages site/blog will not be accessible if you are using GitHub Free.

However, once you set your repo private, if you set it back to public, your Github Pages site/blog will not be published automatically. To publish your site/blog again, follow these steps:

  1. Make the repository public again in the settings.
  2. Push a new commit. A new commit should be pushed before your site will be built and served again.
  3. Grab a coffee and wait while your site finishes building and is propagated across GitHub’s CDN. In my case, the site was back up and running within a minute. GitHub CSE told me it may take 10-20 minutes sometimes.
  4. Access your GitHub Pages site/blog.

If this doesn’t work, contact GitHub Support.



Aswin Rajkumar is a data scientist, musician and entreprenuer. Hobbies include motorcycle riding, photography and making YouTube videos.

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